Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

So I am FINALLY posting again. After an unforseen amount of work this semester (as well as some self-induced schedule restrictions) I am finally getting back into the blog.
As you may or may not know, I have a cat.
His name is Ziggy and he is a total kook. I have no idea what kind of cat he is except that he is for sure in the cute variety. We got him over the summer and since then, I realized that he can be more like a dog than a cat.
Instead of meowing, he barks. Also, he runs to the door when you come home. The best part of Ziggy's dogness is that he likes to fetch markers. He used to fetch toys, but now he is pretty picky and only goes for Sharpies.
Zig is one of those cats who likes to constantly be near your feet too. He will even go so far as to grab on to your pant leg as you walk by with his little claws and drag himself along with you. It actually comes in quite handy because he doubles as a mop.
Anyway, I learned something new about Zig today. I believe he is a Munchkin.
Yes, that actually exsists in the cat world.
Since we got Ziggy, we have noticed that in addition to his weird actions, he also has short legs.
Like awkardly short.
My dad hasn't even met him, and he has nicknamed "Stubby".
After using StumbleUpon (the most fantastic web search invention EVER) I came upon Readers Digest's Weirdest Cat Breeds. This is what they have to say about Munchkin cats:
Because of a naturally occurring genetic mutation, Munchkins have abnormally short legs compared to other felines. But that doesn’t stop them from doing what other cats do. They run, leap, and climb as well as any normal-sized cat. In fact, their spines are almost indistinguishable from other cats, and they rdon’t suffer from the many spinal problems that are common in short-legged dogs like Dachshunds. The Munchkin is considered a sweet-natured, playful, and intelligent cat that responds well to being handled.

Who knew that there was a type of cat that shares a name with a Dunkin Donut's product?!
All I know is that Zig is great and his little legs make him even better!